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Pet coverage from around the web

Why Quality Control Matters to Pet Food Safety and the Planet

(BPT) - When you pick up a bag of pet food from the store or click "add to cart" online, you deserve peace of mind knowing that the product you are buying is a safe and high-quality food.At Purina, …

4 Vet-Approved Tips to Show Your Pets Love this Valentine's Day

(Family Features) For pet parents in the U.S., Valentine's Day is another chance to shower their pets with love. This Valentine's Day, consider these vet-recommended ways to show your pets just how much you love them.

Meowtel reviewed shelter wish lists to compile these tips for showing love to your animal shelter of choice this holiday season.

Meowtel reviewed shelter wish lists to compile these tips for showing love to your animal shelter of choice this holiday season.
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New Year, New Goals for People and Pets: 3 ways dogs and dog owners can accomplish resolutions together
(Family Features) Consider these three ways you and your pet can work toward healthy habits together this year.
People and their pets will be particularly appreciative of green spaces in the year ahead.
Top Backyarding Trends for 2025
(NAPSI)— The popularity of backyarding will continue to increase in 2025, says the TurfMutt Foundation , which has encouraged outdoor living and caring for green spaces for the last 15 years. …
Meet Purina’s 2024 Thanksgiving’s Top Dog Winner, Hoagie
(BPT) - Each year, The National Dog Show, presented by Purina, brings families together by celebrating their beloved furry canine companions. While millions tuned in for the highly anticipated Best …
Love them? Hate them? Spay them.
(BPT) - Sure, cats have nine lives. But why not give them 10? Spaying or neutering your pet is the right thing to do. Learn more at GiveThemTen.org.
Pets mourn the loss of other pets, too. Here's how experts say you can help them.
When a family pet dies, the remaining pets mourn their loss. Ollie examined studies and expert advice to provide tips on comforting grieving pets. 
Early Detection and Management of Feline Diabetes: What Cat Owners Need to Know
(BPT) - During National Diabetes Month, Elanco is raising awareness about an often-overlooked disease — feline diabetes. With approximately 600,000 cats in the U.S. diagnosed with diabetes in …
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